The Baseline and Perception Survey services involve conducting a comprehensive assessment
to determine the perceptions of communities in Garissa, Mandera, and Wajir on ongoing
peace, security, and development interventions. The objective is to evaluate the impact of the
“Promoting Peace and Inclusive Development in Northeastern Kenya: Mandera, Wajir, and
Garissa” project, implemented by the UN and the Government of Kenya, on the lives of women,
youth, and persons with disabilities, ensuring their inclusion in decision-making processes. The
assignment includes a review of the project’s results matrix, finalization of SMART indicators,
and the collection of baseline data. It entails three perception surveys conducted at the
baseline, midterm, and end of the project. The methodology employs a mixed-method
approach, incorporating key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and a cross-sectional household survey, ensuring representation across key demographic groups. The
deliverables include detailed reports with qualitative and quantitative data analysis,
identifying key trends, challenges, and recommendations for enhancing peace and
development interventions in the region. Funded by the UN Secretary General’s Peacebuilding
Fund, the project runs from August 2023 to August 2025 and involves implementing partners
such as UNDP, WFP, United Nations Human Rights – Office of the Commissioner, and the Office
of the Deputy President of Kenya